Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hurricane Song

I'm reading the book Hurricane Song by Paul Volponi for the second time. Hurricane Song is about a boy and his father who get stuck in Hurricane Katrina, and have to fight the hard times they go through, such as       maintaining a healthy relationship,  and fighting for their lives. They witness some horrible things between themselves and others as they live in the Superdome.

A part that's really sticking out to me, is when Miles' dad runs away. He says to Miles, "I need to go see what happened to the Jazz Club", and as he walks away, Miles is just staring. This shocked me so much, yet it seems so real to me. In a huge world crisis such as a deathly hurricane, I can see all the stress out on everybody, especially for one who is having problems with his son. Although it does make me upset. Miles and his father just had started to get along with each other and then as soon as it happens, the dad walks away. They had accomplished so much but at the same time they accomplished nothing.

When someone walks away like that, it usually means their not happy. Looking at his dad's personality, I can see why he would do something like that. He's the type that doesn't care. But it makes me wonder...does he care about his jazz life more than he does to his own son?

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