Monday, December 6, 2010

Wake By Lisa McMann

Wake by Lisa McMann, is a story about a girl who's cursed with getting sucked into people's dreams. Janie has many problem's because of this. Janie gets depressed and some of the time, into a lot of trouble. Janie doesn't want to talk to anyone about it because she's afraid society will judge her and not believe her. Janie is stuck in a deep hole and can't find her way out of it.

There could be many deep and difficult reasons why this happens to Janie. Janie herself doesn't get enough attention from her mom who spends her time smoking and drinking. I think that Janie feels the need to help other people. Janie doesn't get to live a good life at home. Maybe she doesn't want other people to end up the same way she did. I'm thinking that the dreams she gets sucked into represent her in some way. Maybe it could be that she needs to learn something. Maybe it could be a problem that she's facing in her life. Janie doesn't spend time paying attention to herself. I think that's why she has so much trouble. She spends to much time figuring out what's wrong in her life (in her subconscious mind.) She's processing all of this through other people. Maybe if Janie just focused on what was going on then and there, she wouldn't be going through all this pain.

People usually have trouble coping when there going through rough times. Janie's probably going through a stage in her life, where she doesn't know who she is anymore. I think that this is Janie's way of coping with the struggles that she faces.

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