Monday, November 29, 2010

Wake Response

In my previous post, I talked about the emptiness in Janie's life. It's clear that there's something wrong that's happening in her life right now. It could be with her family, peer pressure or just a problem in her life. 

When you have the feeling of emptiness, it's clear that somethings missing. I think the issue that Janie faces in her daily life, is fitting in with others. It would be hard for anyone to fit in when their called "white trash." People, especially children can be very intimidating. For example, when kids are in school, and their not wearing something "fashionable" they can easily be spotted and then get picked on, and then not fit in which leads to the problem of peer pressure.

This also leads to the issue of "social norms." In society, people can be cruel. Things are only looked at from one point of view. It's hard for people to see things the other way around. Boys have to wear this and girls have to wear that, and that's just the way it is. Things aren't allowed to change. In one point in the book,  Janie's having a sleepover with 2 friends. One girl judges Janie on something that she's wearing. Janie reacts in a way that her face gets really red, also keeping what she has to say back to herself. She's afraid what other's will say back. And that comes back to the topic of fitting in. The norm that Janie faces in her life is fitting in.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Wake By Lisa McMann

This book is down right addictive. I just started this book today and I really enjoyed it. Wake, by Lisa McCann is a book about a young girl who gets pulled into other people's dreams. A lot of these dreams are quite disturbing, and it makes me think, why does Janie gets pulled into these particular dreams.

I think the dreams that Janie get dragged into represent her life in some way. Even though I haven't gotten far, I can predict that Janie doesn't have a very good life at home. It seems to be that her mother doesn't give her a shoulder to leans on. Her mother is obviously not supportive of Janie. When Janie was feeling sick her mom just walked away. I haven't heard anything about a father yet, so I'm wondering if Janie gets enough attention as a child. I have a feeling that the sexuality in the dreams she's been dragged into represent an area of weakness in her life. She needs somebody or something to fulfill the feeling of emptiness in her life.